Bedbugs are a growing concern for many commercial enterprises and homeowners. Due to the discontinued use of some pesticides and more frequent travel to 3rd world countries, bedbugs have made a big comeback here in Hawaiʻi.
Bedbugs feed off humans as fleas feed on cats. Although they are not vectors of disease, they can cause skin irritation and can quickly produce an unappealing environment. Although Waikiki has traditionally been a bedbug hotspot, we have found cases in homes from Hawaii Kai to Pupukea. Bedbugs are so invasive, that they take much more thorough treatment than most pests. Many exterminators won’t even deal with them because they’re so hard to control.
Bed Bug Identification
- Eggs are tiny, white, and glued to surfaces.
- Nymphs are light colored, from 1/16th”.
- Adults are rusty red, apple seed sized, 3/8”. Six legs, oval, flattened from top to bottom.
- Do not jump or fly, but are good runners.
- They tend to congregate together.
- They can live several months without a blood meal.
- Important: Capture several examples of the pest and have them identified by a qualified expert before taking any further actions.
Signs of Bed Bugs:
- Small, whitish shed skins and rusty spots on bed linens which are droppings and blood stains from crushed bugs.
- Live bed bugs of any size.
- Eggs and casings among droppings or in crevices where adults hide.
- An offensive, sweet, musty odor from the bed bugs when infestations are severe.
- You may have red, itchy welts or rashes from bites; however, bite marks are not a reliable indication of a bed bug infestation.
Where do Bed Bugs Hide?
- Mattresses, box springs, bed frames and head boards.
- Along seams, under handles and labels.
- Under the thin dust cloth on bottom of box spring.
- Seams and fabric folds in curtains and under furniture, including chairs and sofas.
- Under wall-to-wall carpeting and padding.
- Anywhere there are cracks or crevices in walls, under wood moldings and baseboards.
- Under loose wallpaper and seams, and where ceiling and wall meet.
- In and behind picture frames and mirrors.
- Clothing and clutter stored in closets, under beds and elsewhere.
- Inside switch plates, electrical outlets, clocks, computers, televisions and smoke detectors.
- On and in recently used luggage, backpacks and bags.
Check out our blog Hawaii Guide to Bed Bugs for more info.
A big part of control has to do with catching the infestation early. Bedbugs generally will be introduced into a structure through luggage, used furniture, or from storing or moving your belongings in an infested truck or container. If you think you may have bedbugs, call us today at (808) 236-2847. We offer the best Oahu pest control services.