Carpenter bees in Hawaii are what many people refer to as “bumblebees.” They look like the bigger bumblebee on the mainland, but they cause structural damage in homes by boring into wood and if untreated can cause a lot of unnecessary costs to replace or repair wood that they have damaged.
Carpenter Bee Identification
Male carpenter bees are golden colored and are the ones we generally see foraging in plants and flying around the yard. The females are black and are generally inside the wood laying eggs and protecting their young. Carpenter bees bore into wood and then make a 90 degree turn, where they will lay eggs, but then will continue boring if untreated. Because of the protected unhatched eggs, we use a long lasting insecticide and do not immediately recommend filling in the holes. It may be several weeks, as bees return, and are repelled by the products we use to understand that the site is off limits to them.
Carpenter Bee Service
We’ve done a lot of carpenter bee work for homeowners, commercial buildings, and interestingly, a lot of schools for the Department of Education (DOE) here in Hawaii. As with all pests, it’s helpful and more cost-effective to treat these pests professionally when you first see the problem and not wait until they make swiss cheese of your woodwork. Call today 808-236-2847 for a free quote for all your carpenter bee and other pest related needs. Aloha